Cours disponibles
Improving the Accuracy of the Seismic Image
- Enseignant: robert hardy
Basic Seismic Processing Workflows
- Enseignant: robert hardy
Welcome to Tonnta Energy Limited Online Geophysics training courses, the most comprehensive online course material available for seismic processing and acquisition. Our "Improving the Accuracy of the Seismic Image" module contains over 10 hours of course material and is available free of charge. To access the course, please first Login (using the button in the top right of the screen) to create an account on our site, then enroll on the free course and hopefully you will enjoy the full online learning experience. For a modest additional cost you can obtain certification, contact hours with the course teacher, and a faster environment. Traditional classroom based and blended learning options are also available for this and other course material.
We currently offer four additional competitively priced course modules, each containing over 7 hours of material and representing great value. Sign up to all four to access a bonus course. Please visit our store to browse or purchase enrollment on any course options.
Please contact us for individual course costs, group discounts and options to host and customise the material on your own web servers including the option to add your own training material from geophysics or other earth science disciplines.