In this post I provide an incomplete list of links to free seismic data repositories. Feel free to add your favorites using the comments to this page. Many governments are now seeing the benefit of releasing data to research. There is a now a lot of data out there !
- TerraNubis supported by dGB Earth Sciences of OpendTect fame.
- SEG wiki provides lists of open source model and real seismic data.
- DataEnergy have recently compiled a list of open data
- South Australia seismic and log data.
- Marcellus shale unconventional resource data.
[…] Seismic Data Repositories […]
Good morning sir,
I need some blended data or shot gathers (iss: independent simultaneous source acquisition) if it’s possible.
Thank you.
I don’t know of any publicly available blended data, various acquisition companies may be prepared to supply a few shots upon request. If you are trying to test deblending algorithms, then most publications synthesize blended data by merging several real shots together, deblending them and then comparing with the originals. Good luck !